Follow the Light: Day 7- Rejecting the Light

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“For even His (Jesus’) brothers didn’t believe in Him.” 
John 7:5 (NLT)

What is it that causes us to reject the light of God’s presence and power in our lives? Just as in our own day, there were many who heard Jesus teach, even observed His miracles, and yet would reject His message. They remained in the dark despite having the Light shining all around them! When we reject the light, we are left in the dark! This was the case among the religious leaders and even among some of Jesus immediate family. John records that “… Jesus’ brothers didn’t believe in Him.” John 7:5 (NLT) Mark’s Gospel describes the response of Jesus’ family like this in Mark 3:21 (NLT), “When His family heard what was happening, they tried to take Him away. ‘He’s out of His mind,’ they said.” Maybe you’ve experienced similar rejection when you shared your faith in Jesus with your family. While there are those who receive the Light, there remain many who will reject it. The closing of John 6 set the stage for further rejection that Jesus would encounter in chapter 7.  In John 6:66 (NLT) the Bible says, “At this point many of His disciples turned away and deserted Him.”

As Jesus taught, not all who listened believed. Those who did believe for selfish reasons began to bail out when Jesus challenged them with the cost of discipleship.  They had grown accustomed to seeing the miracles and getting a free meal. But John tells us, “Jesus knew from the beginning which ones didn’t believe, and He knew who would betray Him.”  John 6:64b (NLT) 

In chapter 7, the responses to Jesus were beginning to polarize the people.  Light always exposes our true motives. Growing hostility among the religious leaders led to open confrontations challenging His Deity.  Already, the religious leaders were looking for a way to put Jesus to death.  Even his family members ridiculed him.  It would not be until after His resurrection that some of Jesus’ own brothers put their faith in Him.  Two of them, James and Jude, later wrote the letters in the New Testament that bear their names.   

Ridicule, abandonment, and rejection are hard for any of us to deal with.  Have you experienced such rejection and ridicule?  How did Jesus handle it?  If you find your worth from the approval of others, you won’t make it.  The light within you will begin to fade. As you read John 7, check out verses 16-19 and 28-29.  You’ll discover where Jesus got His security from and how He was able to keep His focus when so many around Him lost sight of who He was.  Despite the critics, Jesus continued to let His light shine and extend God’s invitation for anyone living in darkness.  He never allowed people’s opinions to alter His message. He wasn’t here to please people but to obey His Father.    

Just as Jesus found His identity in the Father, we find our security in Christ.  When we live to please Christ and do the will of God, we can overcome the pain of rejection, ridicule, and abandonment.  Jesus has promised that He will never leave us or forsake us.  He said He would be with us until the end of the age, and nothing could separate us from His love! 

As you read today, ask yourself: Who am I living to please?

Printed copies of the Follow the Light devotional are available at Follow the Light — Kerry Shook Ministries.


Follow the Light: Day 8 - The Light of Life and Liberty


Follow the Light: Day 6 - The Light Exposes Truth