Do You Know the Truth?

Watch Pastor Kerry’s Devo

“So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, ‘If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.’" John 8:31-32 (NASB) 

Most people are familiar with the expression – The truth will set you free. But, if you do not know the truth, it will never make you free. It’s the truth you know that liberates you. How do you know the truth? John tells us in chapter eight of his gospel. In verse 31, he records that Jesus was speaking to the people who believed in Him when He said,  

“If you continue in My Word, THEN you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (Vs. 31-32 NASB)   

Before we can experience the freedom that the truth brings, we must put our faith in Jesus and continue to abide or remain in His Word. His Word is truth. When we put our faith in Him and remain in His Word, we show that we truly are His disciples. The benefit of our time with Him in His Word is liberating – we will know the truth, and the truth will make us free! We will be free to love, free from the bondage of sin and guilt, free to forgive, free to live the life God intended us to live!   

The woman caught in the act of adultery and exposed publicly by the religious leaders to Jesus would experience that freedom when she found the truth of forgiveness and acceptance in Christ! The religious leaders knew of Jesus’ popularity among the common people and thought this would surely end it, as not even Jesus would violate the Law of God to save this woman. But their efforts to trap Him only provided an opportunity for Jesus to reveal the truth about the real problem of sin in the human heart. Who among us is without sin? We’ve all bought the lie that we can live without God and be free. That’s why we all need what only Jesus can provide - forgiveness and salvation. Jesus didn’t condone what the woman did but neither did He condemn her. Grace and truth came not from the Law that condemns but from Christ alone who sets the sinner free!  

Meditate on verses 31 & 32 as you read today, and experience real freedom from the hurts, habits and hang-ups in your life. Read John 8 now and experience the truth that sets you free. 


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