What Will You Do When the End Comes?

Photo by Johannes Plenio

“… But what will you do when the end comes?”
Jeremiah 5:31d (NLT) 

Here’s part of a verse that jumped off the pages of Jeremiah and caused a sobering pause to my reading.  Jeremiah was speaking to the people of Judah in his day with warning of where their present actions were leading them. The people were going through the motions of worship, but their hearts had long since departed from God. Have you ever found yourself doing that at church? You show up, but your hearts not in it. Your minds a million miles away. You’re there but you’re not all there.  True worship means we love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We worship in spirit and in truth. There’s more to worship than just showing up. 

If we’re not careful we’ll wind up like the people of Judah who were living under a false security reinforced by false prophets and evil leaders that no harm could befall them no matter how they acted.  Hoping to persuade them to return to God and turn from their present collision course he asks, “What will you do when the end comes?”   Have you ever considered that question?  How would you live life differently if you lived with the end in mind?  What would you start or stop doing?  How would you relate to others? 

When you live with the end in mind, your first priority would be a right relationship with God.  You would live life to the fullest by living passionately and purposefully the way God created you to live!  By embracing the fact that our time on earth is limited, we can live deliberately and intentionally, no longer postponing the joy and peace that come from fulfilling our God-given destiny.  So, why wait?  What will you do when the end comes?  Choose now to live a life of no regrets.  Commit the time you have remaining on earth, however long that may be, to God.  Offer to Him all that you have and all that you are as a living sacrifice.  Then, when the end does come, you can say as so many Christ followers have said to me from their death beds, “It was worth it all!”  


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