Making the House You Have the Home You Want


“Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted.” Psalms 127:1a (NLT)

It’s been called “the American dream.” Every couple works toward it, owning your own home. There’s nothing quite like the day you move in. Wise couples know that it takes more than a house to make a home. The Psalmist put it this way: “Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted.” Psalm 127:1a (NLT)

Yet, that verse holds a promise for those who let the Lord be the master architect and general contractor. You can make the house you have the home you want! It’s not too late! To do it, you must cooperate with God’s plan and purpose. He said the Lord builds and the builders work. As with any construction, the architect lays out the blueprints, and the general contractor has workers who follow those plans so that, together, they achieve their desired results.

Solomon, who wrote this Psalm, gives us three essential materials that God uses in turning your house into a home where His blessings thrive. You’ll find them in Proverbs 24:3-4 (NIV). “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.”

God uses wisdom, understanding and knowledge to turn a house into a home. Wisdom is seeing life from God’s perspective. Understanding is applying that perspective in your decisions and relationships, and knowledge is maintaining a teachable spirit - a willingness to grow, listen and learn. I especially appreciate the word “built” in this passage because, in Hebrew, it means “to restore.” It has more to do with rebuilding something than new construction. That offers hope!

The point Solomon is making is that any home can be restored. It’s never too late, but it will take wisdom to pull it off! Don’t waste your efforts building your home. Cooperate with God’s eternal purpose and plan and let Him be the Master Architect. When you do, every room will be filled to overflowing with rare and beautiful treasures that last a lifetime and leave a legacy of faith.


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