The Way To Peace

“How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace. But now it is too late, and peace is hidden from your eyes.” 

Luke 19:42 (NLT)

I want to invite you to join me for the next five days as we consider some of the Highlights from Holy Week that I believe will prepare our hearts for Easter. Each day this week, we will focus on some of the extraordinary events in the life of Jesus from His final week before His resurrection.  When Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the crowds were shouting with excitement in the anticipation that their Messiah had finally come!  While they were seeking relief and deliverance from Roman oppression, they missed the real purpose of His coming!  It wasn’t to establish an earthly kingdom as they had hoped.  It was to offer them something far greater.  He came to offer them “the way to peace!” 

Often while we anticipate receiving answers to our prayers, God may very well answer them in a different way than we had expected.  If we’re not careful, we could miss the answer just as the crowd did that day.  Luke tells us, “As Jesus came closer to Jerusalem and saw the city ahead, He began to weep. How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace.  But now it is too late, and peace is hidden from your eyes.”  Luke 19:41-42 (NLT)  

It grieved the heart of God that His people, whom He came to redeem, missed the very way to peace He came to offer them.  Here’s a highlight from Holy Week.  Don’t be so fixed on what you want God to do that you miss the greater work God came to do.  Had Jesus come to fulfill their desires, they would have only had a temporary political peace.  He came to offer them and us peace with God and the peace of God!  It’s a peace, the Bible says, that passes all understanding!  It’s a peace we experience in the midst of the storms of life.  Jesus said, “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27 (NLT)  

This Holy Week receive the way to peace.  Don’t miss the day of His visitation in your life.

Receive Jesus and experience His peace despite whatever you’re going through. 


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