The Gift of One Day

“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”  

Proverbs 27:1 (NIV) 

 Despite the politics of the global pandemic, recent statistics record over 5 million deaths worldwide and almost a million alone in the United States. Our world has been shocked back into the reality of what one day may bring. None of us are given tomorrow. We live only in the moment. In a moment life changed for every family member and friend lost to COVID. My friend and pastor, Rick Warren, gave an insightful perspective, “Whether you’re the strongest believer or the most ardent atheist, a billionaire or totally bankrupt, famous or unknown, you will experience heartache and loss. None of us can avoid trials and tragedy. The question is, ‘What will you do on the worst day of your life?’ When it comes to unbearable loss, you may never get over it, but with God’s power you will get through it!”   

 Maybe you can relate and you’re asking a good question about now, “HOW?  How do I get through this day? How can I face tomorrow?” If you’re not asking those questions now, I feel certain that if you live long enough, you will. Solomon offers some wise counsel in the book of Proverbs about the uncertainty of life that will help us better live in the moment.  He wrote: “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”  Proverbs 27:1 (NIV)   

 None of us know what a day may bring. Thankfully most days are more routine and ordinary. It’s easy to simply take them for granted and expect a “wash, rinse and repeat” cycle for the next day. Then the unexpected happens. Life happens. Unimaginable loss. What then?  How do you get through such a day?  The Psalmist describes it as a journey of walking through a valley. It was in that valley that he learned life-changing lessons and experienced the hope and comfort only a loving God could provide.  His lessons remind us all that we are not alone no matter what we are going through.   

 I want to personally invite you to take a journey with Chris and me over the next few weeks. When tragedy struck our family, that one day changed the way we live every day. We learned lessons of faith and hope we believe will encourage you as well.  We’ve told our story in the book, The Gift of One Day. These lessons are best learned in community with others. So, we encourage you to connect with some family members and friends and invite them to join you in a five-week journey that will change the way you view and live each day. 

 All you’ll need is a copy of the book, your Bible, and some friends to connect with to make this five-week journey even more life changing. Our website will have The Gift of One Day video curriculum to help guide your time together.   


The Measure of Your Days


Amos Goes to Washington