Pastor Kerry’s Daily Devotional

Blessed Are the Meek, For They Will Inherit the Earth
This morning, Pastor Kerry looks at the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes. Meekness is strength under control, with God. Are there areas of authority God has placed in your life that you struggle with? Commit to pursuing meekness through God today.

What is Your “If only?”
Pastors Kerry & Chris Shook are reading through the Book of John to take a journey with Jesus. We don't just read the Word to understand words, we read the Word to get to know the Word - Jesus. Today, pray that what you read in the Bible translates into life change as you get to know Christ better.

Wouldn’t it be tragic to discover that God had a gift for you that you never opened? I think eternity will reveal innumerable gifts left unopened, never received, that were available and waiting for us to unwrap.