An Unforgettable Sunday Evening!

“That Sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! ‘Peace be with you,’ He said.” 
John 20:19 (NLT)

I can only imagine what the atmosphere must have been like in that locked room where the disciples were meeting on Sunday evening. Fear that they may be next to be crucified, confusion with what they believed now, amid bewilderment from recent news of what some of the women told them about seeing Jesus alive! Could it be true? Impossible!  No one could convince them.  Luke records their response to the women, “…  the story sounded like nonsense to the men, so they didn’t believe it.”  (Luke 24:11 NLT) 

In the midst of that unbelief, suddenly Jesus appeared standing there among them! Keep in mind that the doors and windows were locked!  How did He get in? Where did He come from? No wonder His first words were “Peace be with you.”  Imagine if He had said “Boo!”  He would have had to raise half of them from the dead right then and there!

Remarkably, after appearing to all the disciples and the women and two Christ followers who were walking on a road to Emmaus, still, Thomas said, “I won’t believe it unless I see the nail wounds in His hands, put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound in His side.” (John 20:25 NLT) Some have suggested that was what Thomas got for not being in church that first Sunday evening.  

A week later, on the next Sunday evening, Jesus would appear to them again, and this time Thomas was there.  Once again, the doors were locked, and just like the last time, Jesus suddenly appears to them!  This time He spoke directly to Thomas.  When Thomas saw Jesus he exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” John 20:28b (NIV)

What Jesus said next was not only for Thomas, but for you and me. “Then Jesus told him, ‘You believe because you have seen Me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing Me.’” John 20:29 (NLT) 

What an unforgettable Sunday evening! No wonder they could not keep silent about the risen Christ! The common denominator with everyone who saw Jesus was the urgency to tell others.  He’s back!  Jesus is alive!  I’ve just seen Him!  His resurrection meant that their lives and ours will never be the same again!


Making The Bible Come Alive


It’s Good Friday because of Easter!