Questions God Asks

“Where are you?” 
Genesis 3:9b (NIV)

Most of us, no doubt, have questions for God, but have you ever noticed how many questions God asked man in Genesis? 

  • “Where are you?” 

  • “Who told you …?”

  • “Have you eaten from the tree …?”

  • “What have you done …?”

That was just in Genesis 3.  Then, in the next chapter, God asks Cain,

  • “Why are you so angry?”

  • “Where is your brother?”

  • “Where is Abel?”

  • “What have you done?”

If God is God, and He is, then these questions obviously were not asked for His benefit but for man’s.  Look at the first question again, “Where are you?”  It was God’s way of bringing man out of hiding.  Though Eve had been deceived, Adam had acted in willful disobedience to God’s command.  Shame, remorse, guilt, and fear had all led man into hiding.  Yet, there was no place to hide; there never is. 

Are you hiding today?  It’s been said that we all have three lives: a public life that others see, a private life that is personal and intimate as in a marriage, and a secret life.  It’s in the secret life that Satan has the advantage, especially when we choose to keep it secret by trying to hide it from God and others.  The power of secret sin is in its secrecy.  Once exposed to the light, it loses its power and control over us.  In fact, secret sin on earth is really open scandal in heaven. God sees it all!  What can we possibly hide from Him? That’s why Proverbs 28:13 (TEV) says, “You will never succeed in life if you try to hide your sins. Confess them and give them up; then God will show mercy to you.”

How tragic that, instead of confessing their sin, Adam and Eve played the blame and shame game. Even Cain, when given counsel by God, refused to repent and yielded to the sin that would make him a murderer. Where are you in your relationship with God today? Are you hiding out of guilt or shame from some secret sin in your life? Don’t let secret sin control you any longer.  You can be free of guilt, shame, and the bondage of controlling sin.  How?  Expose it to the light of God’s redeeming grace. Confess it, don’t repress it.  Repent, don’t repeat it.  Tell God what He already knows but tell Him from the brokenness of your heart.  God longs to hear your heart and heal it.  Quit blaming others and take responsibility for your own actions.  You will find mercy, not judgment, from the God who loves you. 

Isn’t it time to quit hiding?  The very God we try to hide from came to seek and save us if we will turn to Him. You can come out of hiding today in your relationship with God.  Maybe this expresses your prayer today:

I’m so tired of playing hide-and-seek with you, God.  Today, I open my heart to you.  Forgive my willful sin.  Cleanse my heart and restore that fellowship with You for which You made me to enjoy. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Another important part of your daily devotional is spending time with God in prayer. The Woodlands Church Prayer Board lists prayer requests submitted by our members and provides a way to send them some encouragement by using a button on the page to let them know that you prayed for them. Whether you use the Prayer Board, or pray from your heart, the goal is to build the habit of incorporating prayer into your quiet time.

Need prayer yourself? Let us know by submitting a prayer request on the Woodlands Church Prayer Board.


Living By Faith


How God Restores Us, Part 2