What Jesus Prayed for You

“I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in Me through their message.” John 17:20 (NLT)

It was the night before His crucifixion. John records all that Jesus said to them in chapters 13-17 before He was arrested in the garden and led to the cross the following day. Jesus was preparing His disciples and us for all that was about to happen. These chapters are best read in one setting to grasp the impact they would have on the disciples that evening. He concluded His talk with His longest recorded prayer in the New Testament. The entire chapter of John 17 is Jesus’ prayer. As He prays for His disciples then, Jesus prayed for you and me as well! He says, “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in Me through their message.” John 17:20 (NLT) What did Jesus pray on our behalf as He interceded to the Father for us?

  • He prayed for our protection from the evil one. (Vs. 11-15)

This world is a battle ground! The normal state-of-affairs for every true child of God is spiritual warfare. A Christ follower has three formidable enemies, the world, the flesh, and the devil! We need not despair, though, because in Christ we have overcome the world! The Bible says, “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 (NKJV) Or as one friend of mine put it, “Greater is He who is in me than he who is after me!” Jesus didn’t pray that God would remove us from the world but that while we were in the world God would protect us from the evil one.

  •  He prayed for us to be holy. (Vs. 17-19)

Jesus prayed that God would protect us from the evil one so that we may live holy lives. The distinctive difference of a Christ follower is the conduct of their lives. It should be demonstratively obvious by what you do and say and are that Christ lives and reigns in you. Jesus gave Himself for us as a holy sacrifice so that we may be made holy by His Word. Your time in God’s Word changes you from the inside out making you holy so that those who encounter you can see that there is a quality of your life that has no other possible explanation but Christ in you! That glorifies God!

  • He prayed for our unity. (Vs. 11; 21-23)

Finally, Jesus prayed that we would be one in Him as He is one with God! Our unity is by virtue of His presence indwelling us! He alone makes us one. Look for the Christ in others that lives in you and celebrate your unity in Him! Jesus said that kind of unity would change the world!



A Faith that Thrives in the Face of Adversity


A Four-fold Invitation