Rediscovering Jesus

Watch Pastor Kerry’s Devo

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. … The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

John 1:1-2; 14 (NIV) 

I want to invite you to join me on a journey with Jesus this month.  It’s a journey you may have never taken before or perhaps it will be like a welcomed reunion.  I want to invite you to join me as we journey together through the Gospel of John and rediscover Jesus!  I believe these 21 chapters in John over the next few weeks will be life-changing!   

Each weekday we will read a chapter in the Gospel of John to rediscover who Jesus really is. John was one of Jesus’ closest disciples. He was part of Jesus inner circle and called himself the disciple whom Jesus loved in John 13:23. John shows us Jesus as fully human and fully God. While Matthew’s Gospel traces Jesus’ lineage to Abraham and Luke to Adam, John traces Jesus’ lineage to eternity. Matthew made a Jewish connection in his narrative of Christ. Luke, the only Gentile author, connected Jesus with all mankind, but John gives us a Divine connection – Jesus is God! In the first verse of his Gospel he writes, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 (NIV)

As we take this journey with Jesus through the Gospel of John, you’ll get the most out of it if you will journal your thoughts and insights or questions along the way.  Write them down in a little notebook.  As you encounter Jesus in each chapter, the Holy Spirit may prompt your heart with personal applications and steps of action to take in obedience to what you read.  This is where your faith will move from static belief to dynamic growth!   So, here’s what we are going to do in this journey together: 

  • Read it 

  • Write it 

  • Do it 

It’s that simple, but make no mistake, it will be life-changing!  We’ll pray for one another along the way, and I would love to hear the insights and ways you’ve found God speaking to you through His Word.  Please share them. 

As you read the first chapter of John, you’ll notice how unique John’s narrative is of the life of Jesus. John begins “In the beginning….” and tells us that Jesus “existed in the beginning with God. He reveals who Jesus is and who you and I are in Christ when we receive Him as our Savior and Lord! “Experiencing this simplicity is the greatest need today throughout the church worldwide.” says author Ian Thomas, “The utmost need in every ministry group, every missionary outreach, every denomination, is to rediscover the Lord Jesus Christ and the indispensability of His indwelling presence within the believer.”  (The Indwelling Life of Christ

Jesus came to make God known!  In this first chapter He invites you and me, along with those early disciples, to “Come and see for yourself….” who Jesus really is. (John 1:39; 46)   

Are you ready to begin?  Read John chapter 1 and jot down the insights God gives you of Jesus. Draw close to Him as you come to know Him better and experience the intimacy of His love for you. Let His life within you illuminate your understanding and take you into a closer relationship with Him than you ever dreamed possible!


Following Jesus Made Simple


The Power of God’s Word