The Benefits of Membership


 “Now you are no longer strangers to God and foreigners to heaven, but you are members of God’s very own family, citizens of God’s country, and you belong in God’s household with every other Christian.”   Ephesians 2:19 (TLB)  

Membership has its privileges!  If you are a member of a health club, civic club, or some other organization, you benefit from those privileges that membership brings. You experience the value of belonging and a connection with others who share a common interest. You accomplish more together than you could alone, and you share the joy of each success. Deep bonds are formed with other members. Membership in the family of God connects us with other Christ followers in the same way. Are you a member?  Receiving Christ makes you a Christian, but joining a local church brings a sense of belonging to God’s family with every other Christian. Real faith involves not only believing but belonging as well!  You belong to God’s family; His household, the church of the risen Christ! Your citizenship has been upgraded!  You share dual citizenship with this world and heaven!  Here’s how the Bible describes what happens that moment you put your trust in Jesus: Now you are no longer strangers to God and foreigners to heaven, but you are members of God’s very own family, citizens of God’s country, and you belong in God’s household with every other Christian.” Ephesians 2:19 (TLB)  

Notice the first word: Now!Not later when you die, but right now you are no longer a stranger to God!  He may have seemed distant and estranged from you before but not now, nor ever again!  Once you were a foreigner to heaven, but not now!  Even though you’re living on earth, your real citizenship is in heaven!   Once you were not a member of God’s very own family, but not now! Now you are a member of God’s family, a citizen of God’s country and you belong in God’s household with every other Christian!  How awesome is that!  This is your birthright!  Why?  Because by faith you have been born again!    

Real salvation involves both believing and belonging!  In fact, believing plus belonging equals blessing!  First, you come to a place of believing all that God said about His Son who died for your sins.  That’s the simplicity of the Gospel!  The Bible says, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved….”  Acts 16:31 (NIV) Have you done that?  If not, do it now. Simply say, “Yes, Lord Jesus, I believe in You!  I receive You in my heart and ask You to forgive me of my sins and save me!  I need You, Lord, to take control of my life.”    

Then you come to the place of belonging.  You are not alone!  God sets you in His forever family as an equal member with every other member!  Here’s how the Bible describes our relationship with other Christ followers. “Just as there are many parts to our bodies, so it is with Christ’s body. We are all parts of it, and it takes every one of us to make it complete, for we each have different work to do. So we belong to each other, and each needs all the others.” Romans 12:4-5 (TLB)  

This is the blessing of faith!  Believing + Belonging = Blessing! Have you experienced the blessing of belonging?  God never intended you and me to live a Lone Ranger Christian life.  You are a part of a forever family!  If you haven’t taken that step, I invite you to check out Woodlands Church Membership Class this Sunday at any of our campuses following the final Sunday morning service.  You can register now for the class in person or by live stream online. Listen to the voice of your Father saying, “… you belong in God’s household with every other Christian.”  If you’re not a part of a local church that loves Jesus, we invite you to join Woodlands Church. Don’t miss the privileges of membership! Register now. 


Demonstrative Faith


Our Need for Connection