God’s Not Through Working on Me


“And I am sure that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again.” Philippians 1:6 (NLT)

God began a “good work” in you! He promises according to this verse to “continue His work until it is finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again.” That means as Christ’s followers we are a work in progress. Sometimes we feel so condemned because all we can see is how much work God has left to do in us that we fail to see all the work He has done! He began a GOOD WORK in YOU. Don’t let the devil steal the joy of knowing who you are in Christ and all that Jesus has done in you and for you. You are a child of God! He has forgiven you by His death on the cross!

How many of your sins has God forgiven? Colossians 2:13 says, “He forgave us ALL our sins. …” (NIV) Acts 13:39 adds, “… everyone who BELIEVES IN HIM is set FREE from ALL (their) sins. …” (GN) Wow! I am forgiven of all my sins! I am free from the guilt and past failures that would condemn me! I am free now to serve God and become all that He created me to be! Before God I am justified (just-as-if-I’d-never-sinned!). I’m justified not because I’m perfect, but because He forgave me and declared me justified! That means Jesus has made me right with God. How awesome is that?   

Now by the work of the Holy Spirit, God is shaping me day by day into the image of His Son, Jesus. He is developing in me the character of Christ. The Bible word for that is “sanctification.” I am set apart by God that I may become like the God to whom I am set apart. That’s a lifelong process. Don’t get discouraged today if you don’t feel like it’s working for you. God began the good work in you and God will complete it. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 says, “Faithful is He who called you, who also will do it.” Who will do it? Not you, but God! Rest in Him today child of God. You are His workmanship! He’s not through working on you.  

God, sometimes, I’ve become so discouraged when I see how much work You have left to do in me; I don’t even feel like a Christian. I still fall short of what I want to be. Thank You for reminding me today that You began this good work, not me, and You will complete it. Only You can make me spiritually fit. I’m trusting You today to do it. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I may not be all that I want to be but I’m grateful that I am not what I used to be. Thank You that You will never give up on me!  


The Treasure Within You


When Life is Unfair