Your New Beginning

“In the beginning …”  
Genesis 1:1 (NIV)

New beginnings are fun and exciting, aren’t they?  Remember your first day at school? Graduation? Your first job? Getting married? Seeing your children born? Your first home?  The list goes on, doesn’t it?  Every day is a new beginning.  Jeremiah tells us that God’s mercies are “new every morning” Lamentations 3:23 (NIV)   

New beginnings are a witness to the mercy and faithfulness of a loving God.  New beginnings reveal to us something about the character of God.  He is a God of grace.  A God of a second chance, and a third chance and a fourth. …  He is a God of new beginnings!   

Perhaps you need a fresh start, a new beginning!  God is offering you that in this New Year.  You can make 2022 a new beginning!  I want to challenge you to join me and so many others to make the most of this New Year by beginning a journey through the Bible.  Read a portion of Scripture each day.  Make it the best time of your day.  For me, that’s early in the morning before I start the day consumed with so many other things.  Your best time of the day may be mid-afternoon or in the evening. Divide the pages of your Bible by 365 and see how many pages you would need to read a day to complete it in a year’s time. There are reading guides available online that will help you read a portion from the Old Testament and some from the New Testament and still finish within a year as well, or you may choose the read through The One Year Bible as I have done before. You will be amazed at how simple it really is to read through the Bible in one year.  In most translations you can complete the whole Bible by just reading about two pages a day. I challenge you to do it!  The spiritual insights and rewards you will receive are huge! 

Are you ready for a new beginning?  It’s never too late!  Genesis 1:1 (NIV) says “In the beginning GOD …”  God creates new beginnings, and He is making one just for you today!  When you read the rest of this passage you will discover that He creates those beginnings from nothing!  “The earth was formless and empty and darkness covered the deep waters.”  Does that describe your world today?  You may feel so empty and dark that you wonder if God can create a new beginning for you!  Here’s good news!  HE CAN!  He has done it before!  He will do it again!  If you’ve been waiting on God, consider that He’s just waiting on you to begin!  Start your journey with Him today!  Record the insights He gives you as you read the Bible each day.  When a verse seems to leap off the page at you, consider that an encounter with the author, God, as He speaks to your heart.  Pray that passage back to God and claim it as His promise to you.  Share it with a friend and email us with your insights.  I am looking forward to hearing from you. 

Thank you, God, for a new beginning!  As I begin this journey with you in Your Word, please open my eyes and speak to me.  Help me to know You and experience You each new day. 


Questions God Asks


What Honors God