Hope That Anchors You in The Storms of Life

Photo by James Qualtrough

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”
Hebrews 6:19 (NIV)

Our hope in Christ is like an anchor for the soul.  The writer of Hebrews says it keeps us firm and secure through the storms of doubt, delay and disaster.  Life is challenging but God says we are “ … more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Romans 8:37 (NIV) 

Like an anchor, God’s love is immovable and holds us firmly on course even when our lives are battered.  The writer of Hebrews illustrated that truth in the life of Abraham.  In verse 15, he tells us “Abraham waited patiently, and he received what God had promised.”  When you do the math, Abraham was 75 years old when God called him and promised him a son.  Isaac was born when he was 100 years old.  Twenty-five years is a long time to wait. 

The time that lapses between when a promise is given and when it is fulfilled is the most challenging. As the years pass doubt creeps in and makes us wonder if we really heard from God.  Is He there?  When will He fulfill what He promised?  What do I do?  This is when you experience the anchor that holds you and keeps hope alive because the promise that was made to you was made by God.  Verse 18 says, “… it is impossible for God to lie.”  Are you experiencing a storm today? Stay tethered to the only hope that can keep you secure and steadfast. It will become an anchor for your soul.   


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