Following the Good Sheperd: Day 5 - The Wait: Megan Alpha

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” But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. ”
Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)

When you pray for patience God gives you a traffic jam. This quick quip about patience is entirely accurate but it does have some deeper meaning to it. As humans, we crave the results without the work: to get fit without putting in the effort, to get rich without working, and to get smarter without having to had studied. Our hearts are bent on finding the quick steps to success. The Good Shepherd knows our deepest needs and the road to get there. As sheep in His flock, our goal isn’t to guide Jesus, but to be guided by Him. So when we find ourselves ahead of Christ, we must do one of the most difficult things for any individual: Wait.

The world around us doesn’t wait. We have express lanes, rush deliveries, fast passes, and highlight reels to get us what we want (and what we think we need) as quickly as possible. Whether vital or trivial, every moment we are awake has something to fill it. The endless scroll of social media was the final nail in the coffin of a busy lifestyle. Our culture has done away with boredom. There is always something to do or be done and it can feel like we are always behind. It may seem like we are missing out on the biggest parts of life by not watching the newest show, visiting the latest restaurant, or catching up on the ever-breaking news cycle. But, we are missing out on key moments throughout the day to pause, wait and simply be. Jesus will sometimes lovingly “makes me lie down in green pastures” and graciously “leads me beside quiet waters” (Psalm 23 NIV). Sheep will forget to rest and wait.

It feels like everyone we know could use what Isaiah 40:31 mentions. We all would love our strength to be renewed, to fly like eagles, and to stop feeling run down and tired. The simple and hard trick of it all is to wait; more specifically, to wait on the Lord. Our image of wait doesn’t do this translation justice. Waiting on the Lord isn’t similar to a doctor’s visit. We aren’t sitting in a room, reading old magazines, or checking emails. To wait on the Lord is to trust Him, believe in Christ, and commune with God daily. We wait by drawing closer to The Good Shepherd. Waiting on The Lord is to actively engage Him. Seek out a word or guidance from The Holy Spirit.

Do you have time to wait today? Remember, this isn’t a passive waiting but an active one. Pray and see how God wants you to wait on Him. Is it through reading scripture, or going on a walk, or praying? Wait with anticipation, that The Good Shepherd will restore your soul. Wait and see, God is renewing you. So… what are you waiting for?


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