Follow the Light: Day 3- Coming Out of the Dark

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“You must be born again.” 
John 3:7b (NLT) 

John concluded the second chapter telling us of the growing interest among the people in Jesus. In verse 23, he wrote: “Because of the miraculous signs Jesus did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration, many began to trust in Him.” One, was a Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus that we read about in John 3. He came to Jesus one evening after dark, perhaps afraid of what his peers may think.  After all, he was a Pharisee.  He was deeply religious, but he knew something was missing in his life. Jesus let him know that religion could never save him. Jesus told him, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” (Vs. 3)  

Like Nicodemus, have you substituted religion for the real thing? Do you have a pious language, but no life; ritual but no reality? Jesus recognized the longing in Nicodemus’ heart.  It’s the same longing in our hearts. The real thing, Jesus told Nicodemus, is that which is born of the Spirit. Only the Holy Spirit can give life! That’s why Jesus said to Nicodemus, “You must be born again.” (Vs. 7) Have you been born again? As you read this chapter pause to consider your own life. Put your name in verse 16 and personalize that promise: 

“For God so loved (your name) so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that (your name) believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”     

That night Nicodemus came out of the dark! You’ll read about him again in John 7:50-52 and in John 19:39-40. His faith began to grow as he followed the light he saw in Jesus. No longer distracted by religion, Nicodemus had stepped into the light of Christ’s love and life and experienced a personal relationship with God that religion could never provide.

When you come out of the dark into the light of God’s love you experience life – the life God intended you and me to live – His life indwelling us by the presence of the Holy Spirit! It’s a quality of life that has no other explanation but Christ in us. That life begins with a spiritual birth. Have you been born again? Our first day’s reading in John 1:12-13 tells us how to be born again. “But to all (your name) who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God. They are born – not with physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.” You can be born again. Simply believe in Christ and accept Him as your Savior from sin. Receive Him today and experience life!

When you are born again, His light reveals the spiritual family to which you now belong called the church. You are not alone. If you’ve come to the Light but are not yet part of a local church family, we want to welcome you home at Woodlands Church. We invite you to check out our Membership Class on Sunday, January 22nd, either in person or online at

As you read John 3 today, what are some of the insights you’ve found?

Printed copies of the Follow the Light devotional are available at Follow the Light — Kerry Shook Ministries.


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