Follow the Light: Day 15 - What Keeps Your Light from Burning Out?

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“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5 (NLT)  

If I were to ask you, you could probably share a time that you or someone you know suffered from burnout. It could be from over work, lack of sleep or repeated attempts that proved unfruitful. I’ve known pastors and Christian leaders that have suffered burnout as well. But Jesus offers us a light that will never burn out.

John 15 reveals the secret to what will keep our light shining with two metaphors for a fruitful Christian life:  branches and friends.  Using these images, Jesus reveals both the privileges and responsibilities for those who follow the light. As branches, we have the privilege of sharing His life, and the responsibility of remaining or abiding in Him. As friends, we have the privilege of knowing His will, and the responsibility of obeying and living in intimate relationship with Him.   

To understand this chapter, it’s important to identify the characters portrayed in the picture Jesus draws.  The Father is the Gardener. Jesus is the Vine. You and I are the branches.  Each has a vital role to play for fruit to be produced.  It’s a beautiful picture of living the Christian life in the fulness of the Spirit.  None of us can produce the fruit of the Spirit.  Only the Holy Spirit can produce the fruit that reflects the likeness and character of Jesus in our lives.  Branches bear the fruit the vine produces to the degree that the branch is connected to the life-giving source of the vine and remains healthy.  The Gardner will sometimes prune the branches or cut them back so that they will be more fruitful!   

For our lives to be fruitful we must remain in the Vine.  Nothing is more frustrating than trying to produce what only God can produce.  Like a lamp that produces light only when it is plug into a power source, we must be connected with Christ. Our job is to remain restfully available and instantly obedient to Him.  A branch simply abides.  It bears the fruit the vine produces. That takes the pressure off to avoid burnout! 

My favorite verse in this chapter is verse 11 (NLT): “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!”   

Does that describe your Christian life? Our joy overflows when we share that intimate friendship with the Lord Jesus that God intended.  Just as Jesus obeyed the Father, we are challenged to obey Him in everything, resting in the confidence that He will produce all that He expects in our lives as we remain in His love.  How do we remain in His love?  He tells us in verse 10 (NLT): “When you obey My commandments, you remain in My love, just as I obey My Father’s commandments and remain in His love.” 

Then, in verse 15 (NLT), Jesus says to those who remain in Him, “I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are My friends….”  What a privilege God has given us to be called His friends!  It is a personal relationship with a depth of intimacy the world cannot understand or share. God chose you and appointed you to live a fruitful life with significance and meaning.  A life that overflows with joy!  One whose light never burns out! As you read John 15, consider the source of your light.  Are you abiding in Christ?  How connected are you?  Have you been trying to produce what only God can do? Commit to abiding in Him.  Remain in His love.  If you’re feeling disconnected, it’s time to reconnect and open your heart to Him. It’s His light that shines in us as we remain connected to Him!   

Printed copies of the Follow the Light devotional are available at Follow the Light — Kerry Shook Ministries.


Follow the Light: Day 16 - His Light Overcomes a World in Darkness


Follow the Light: Day 14 - The Light of Hope and Peace!