Joy Challenge Video Devotional - Day 3: Pastor Ryan Shook

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“Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy….”
1 Peter 1:8 (NIV)

Would you describe your life as “filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy?” It can be! I’m not talking about a shallow sense of happiness or a fake-it-till-you-make-it disposition, but actual deep-down joy! How do you experience that kind of joy? Are some people just predisposed in their DNA to being optimists, while others seem to be more pessimists? Is it just part of their personality? When you discover that joy is not a feeling, joy is a focus, then you can experience the secret of inexpressible and glorious joy!

Peter tells us in his letter to “suffering saints” that even though they have not seen Jesus in person as he had, they have believed in Him and by virtue of His presence indwelling them, they could be filled with inexpressible joy! Their faith could shift their focus from their circumstances to the reality of His abiding presence that would never leave them. In 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT), he writes, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.”

Worries and cares of this world are killjoys! They are joy killers! We all have them. Even optimists have worries and cares. So what do you do with them to keep them from stealing your joy? Peter says to give them all to God! Let Him handle them. I love the way the Amplified Bible puts this verse. It helps me picture how to give my worries and cares to God. It says, “Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.” Wow! You and I have a God who cares about us affectionately and watchfully! He understands exactly what you’re going through right now! He knows what you’ve been through. He knows what you’re going to go through! And He cares! He invites you and me to make a choice with those worries and cares of life. He says give them to me! The Greek word there for “casting” literally means to throw them on Him! Strong’s Dictionary of Greek and Hebrew words says, “Casting is a primary verb meaning to fling (properly with a quick toss).” Do you get the picture? When the cares of this world and the worries of life creep in to steal your joy, immediately recognize what is happening and fling them, quickly toss them back to God! Let Him handle them. He’s big enough for the job! When you do that, there’s a sense of giddiness that comes from the joy of releasing all that you are, and everything that you have, into the hands of the One who loves you most. Also, there’s an unshakeable confidence that He can handle any situation that should ever arise under any circumstance!

This is the kind of inexpressible and glorious joy that Peter said was characteristic of Christ followers to whom he wrote his letter. What makes this description even more remarkable is that he wrote to Christ followers who, unlike himself, had never seen Jesus for themselves. They had never witnessed any of His miracles firsthand or, even, heard a word He taught. They had only experienced Christ, by faith, from what they had heard and were taught about Him - much like us today! Still, Peter says they loved Him and believed in Him. As a result, their lives were transformed and filled with inexpressible and glorious joy!  

Furthermore, their joy didn’t depend on their circumstances. While happiness often depends on what happens, the joy that Jesus brings by the Holy Spirit into our hearts transcends whatever happens here and now. That’s why this joy is so inexpressible and glorious!

It’s easy to be happy when good things happen. That’s only natural. But the Christ followers to whom Peter wrote were experiencing tremendous trials. Due to the most severe persecution and terror, they were scattered throughout various regions of the Roman world as homeless refugees. How in the world could these believers be filled with such joy? It was supernatural! Their joy was in the One they loved and who loved them beyond life itself! They knew that this world was not their home. They lived for another world!

Which world are you living for today? Jesus offers you His joy no matter what you are going through today. Throw all your concern on Him. Cast all your care on Him because He cares for you. Picture all those worries and cares in the palms of your two hands. Now fling them all on Him! Then open your heart to the One who watches over you affectionately and experience His inexpressible and glorious joy!

Printed copies of The Joy Challenge devotional are available at The Joy Challenge - Kerry Shook Ministries.


Joy Challenge Video Devotional - Day 4: Pastor Ryan Shook


Joy Challenge Video Devotional - Day 2: Pastor Kerry Shook