Count Your Blessings, Literally

“Remember the wonders He has performed,
His miracles, and the rulings He has given,”
Psalm 105:5 (NLT)


How many ways has God blessed you today? No, really, exactly how many ways has He blessed you? If we were to stop and count right now, could we think of ten, one hundred, or even one thousand blessings? We don’t typically sit to ponder on all the ways the Lord has given us blessings. Our fast-paced days, the need to constantly fill our mind with work or entertainment, and our generally forgetful nature causes us to not fully honor the One who gives all blessings.

We are not alone in forgetting God. Reading through Exodus, we see the Israelites constantly forgetting what God has done in their lives. A common theme in the Old Testament is to remember what God has done. When we remember the good things we have received from God, we are able to honor Him better with praise and glory. There are many amazing things that God has done for us, and there is a lot to keep track of. In Psalm 105, we see there are three things to focus on remembering: wonders, miracles, and rulings.

What on Earth has caused you to take a step back and say, “WOW!”. During cold weather, tense world events, and busy lives, we either forget to see God’s beauty in life or overplay the negatives. Being amazed by God should be a daily occurrence. It doesn’t take a trip to the top of Mt. Everest or sightseeing at the aurora borealis (Northern Lights) to appreciate God’s handy work. A hummingbird at the feeder or a log on the fire can cause us to appreciate the beauty of God’s creation. For help in connecting to mundane wonders, try seeing the world with child-like eyes. Children typically can be amazed by the seemingly smallest of things. Whether it’s a squirrel in search of nuts or playing in a puddle, they aren’t lacking in appreciation for God’s creation. Our hearts should be in the same position of gratitude and amazement when it comes to daily occurrences. It takes practice. Write down things that have amazed you recently.

Sometimes it is easy to pinpoint moments when God has intervened, and a miracle has happened. Other times, we can go days, weeks, months, or years feeling like the hand of God has not touched our lives. Regardless of our feelings, it is important to note that God is VERY much involved in our day-to-day lives. In our lives, we typically have seen some form of miracle happen. Usually, it starts with our own story of coming to Christ. When we notice God moving in such a fantastic way, it is crucial to remember it. This ties us closer to God as He is still moving in our lives now and even opens our eyes to how He might be doing it. Stay alert to what God is doing in your life by remembering what He has already done. Celebrate your miracles daily. Write them down so you won’t forget.

Lastly, remember what God has taught us through His scripture. We have a unified story that points to Jesus. By remembering and studying these scriptures, we are able to have a greater appreciation for God’s work in our lives. Having scripture memorized and at the heart of who we are is something Jesus concerned himself with. He was able to quote scripture and pull up the meanings behind the verse when He was questioned or faced difficult trials. Our hearts should be in the same position of elevating God’s word in our lives. Write down important verses that have struck meaning in your life.

Remembering who God is in our lives and what He has done will help keep us focused on our purpose and give us hope for the future.

Another important part of your daily devotional is spending time with God in prayer. The Woodlands Church Prayer Board lists prayer requests submitted by our members and provides a way to send them some encouragement by using a button on the page to let them know that you prayed for them. Whether you use the Prayer Board, or pray from your heart, the goal is to build the habit of incorporating prayer into your quiet time.

Need prayer yourself? Let us know by submitting a prayer request on the Woodlands Church Prayer Board.


Cosmic Executive Officer


Rejoice Always… yes, ALWAYS