Sharing Your Life Message, Part 2


“But God had mercy on me so that Christ Jesus could use me as an example to show everyone how patient He is with even the worst sinners, so that others will realize that they, too, can have everlasting life.” 1 Timothy 1:16 (TLB)

Paul shows us how God uses the painful failures of our past to write our life message. We would like to run from these, but they are the very areas where we received the most grace. What is His purpose in using our past failures? Paul says in 1 Timothy 1:16 (TLB) “But God had mercy on me so that Christ Jesus could use me as an example to show everyone how patient He is with even the worst sinners, so that others will realize that they, too, can have everlasting life.”

Discovering our unique life message is difficult, at times, because we are often too busy trying to cover up our failures and painful mistakes. We try to hide our failures and weaknesses, and we try to showcase our successes and strengths. The truth is, you will impress people with your strengths and successes, but you will influence them with your failures and God’s redeeming grace!

What does God want to say through the painful failures of your life that could offer a message of hope and forgiveness to others? I call this “Your Grace Story!” It is your life message. If you are a Christ follower, you have one and it is unique to you. I want to challenge you to write your grace story down and learn to share it with others. Begin by sending a copy to me. I would love to read your story.

Your grace story is simply the story of how Jesus Christ has impacted your life. As you compose your story, feel free to use these writing prompts as hooks to hang your thoughts on:

  • My life before Christ was … (Describe your life before you received Jesus.)

  • I realized I needed Christ in my life because …

  • I made the decision to commit my life to Christ when …

  • Now that I’m a Christ follower … (Describe the difference Christ has made in your life.)

  • My spiritual journey today … (Describe your baptism and any other impactful part of your spiritual journey that has connected you to other Christ followers or shapes your life in Christ daily.)

That’s it! Pretty simple, right? But I believe your bold step of sharing your life message will glorify God! Your grace story might be the very tool He uses to draw someone else to Him!


Hearing God’s Voice, Part 1


Your Life Message, Part 1