The Power of Connection

“On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people. …” Acts 4:23 (NIV)

There’s something about this verse that leaps off the page at me and gives me comfort and encouragement. It affirms the value of deep, abiding connections with other Christ followers that share a common purpose and passion. Friendships that you can lean on in difficult times. These kinds of close connections provide the support that emboldens you to keep on keeping on when you’re tempted to give up or give in under pressure. Such was the case for Peter and John. The cultural climate of their world was hostile to their message. It had only been a couple of months since Jesus had been arrested and crucified and the same religious leaders that spearheaded the campaign to get rid of Jesus were now breathing down their throats. Following Christ’s miraculous resurrection from the dead, these disciples were instructed to wait in Jerusalem for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Fifty days later, on the day of Pentecost, the Spirit came to indwell and empower the lives of Christ followers! Luke tells us that about 3,000 people believed that day and were baptized! They became immediately connected to one another in Christ giving birth to the early church!

The New Testament church ignited with a flame that continued to spread. Shortly afterward, Peter and John went to the Temple to pray one afternoon. When they met a lame man by the gate called Beautiful, they offered him what he needed most. In the name of Jesus, the man was healed! The miracle provided a platform for Peter and John to share the good news of Jesus and the number of new Christ followers now totaled about 5,000!

The public response drew the jealous attention of the religious leaders. Peter and John were arrested for preaching a message that wasn’t politically correct. After a night in jail, the High Council of all the rulers, elders, and teachers of religious law met with the verdict. Peter and John were officially warned “not to speak to anyone in Jesus name again.” The council then threatened them further before releasing them.

Pause for a moment and ask yourself what you would do if you were Peter and John? The threat was real, and the warning was clear. It certainly was intended to intimidate and silence their message. Do they obey these authorities or God? I love their boldness as they responded, “Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than Him? We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard.” (Vs. 19-20) 

What gave these men such courage? I think it had as much to do with the next few verses as it did with the indwelling Holy Spirit. Luke records what they did, “On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people. …” (Vs. 23)

Do you have such a support network in your life? To whom do you turn when you’re feeling threatened and unsure? This is the benefit of a local church and a small group of like-minded Christ followers doing life together. Christ followers in the New Testament recognized the value of believing and belonging. Faith is more than believing. It is about belonging to a family of believers that are concerned for one another, who encourage each other, and provide a safe place to turn as they meet in worship.

If you’re not connected with other Christ followers, I want to encourage you to check out our Life Class this weekend at every Woodlands Church Campus. It’s immediately following the final morning service and lunch is included.  You can register now and begin to experience the power of connection!


The Joy of Connecting


Obedience Always Brings Blessing!